Ways to Improve a Business with Mobile Technology

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Starting a small business can give you control over your time and money. If you’re tired of punching a time clock or devoting all your energy to making your employer rich, striking out on your own can also help you achieve financial freedom. But a lot goes into a business.

You will need clients or customers, which involves experimenting with various advertising methods. For this reason, an online presence is crucial and you need a website for your business. Many people will conduct an online search of a business to determine its reputation and trustworthiness. Plus, this is how you provide information about your service or product.

But it isn’t enough to create a website. You also need to take advantage of mobile technology. Here’s why:

  1. Keep your customers up-to-date on the company

There’s no rule that says you must use social media for a business. But with so many people using Twitter and Facebook, ignoring these platforms can hurt or slow the growth of your company.

Social media offers a quick and simple way to keep customers up-to-date on changes with your business. It doesn’t cost anything to start a business page or account. To grow your following, invite customers or clients to follow your page. From your page, post notifications, sales, closures, and any other need-to-know information.

When customers or clients see your ads or posts on a regular basis, your business stays fresh in their minds. Even if they don’t need your services now, they may in the future. They’re also more likely to recommend your business to their friends and family.

  1. Make your website mobile-friendly

When designing a website, it’s important that your web designer creates a mobile-friendly site.

The truth is, most people use their cell phones and tablets to conduct their Internet searches, and fewer people conduct online searches from an actual computer. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, it may offer a poor user experience when viewed on a mobile device. And if your site is difficult to view or navigate, customers can become frustrated and search elsewhere.

  1. Keep your customers engaged

Not only do people use their phone for conducting online searches, they also read articles and blogs on their phone. Along with including landing pages or static information about products or services on your website, you should also maintain a blog with evergreen and trending content.

Blogs are an excellent addition because regular website updates and fresh content can both help your site rank higher on the search engines. If you offer tips and advice on your blog, readers will return and read your next post. Your blog may even show up in search engines and help you acquire new business.

  1. Helps manage your business

Not only can mobile technology assist your customers, it also helps you manage your business more efficiently.

With mobile technology, you can use a card reader and accept credit cards on the go. This can help increase your income because most people don’t carry cash or write checks anymore. So without a mobile card reader, you could potentially miss out on revenue.

Mobile technology also allows you to download your bank’s mobile app. By putting the app on your phone, you can deposit checks directly from your smartphone, reducing the amount of time you spend at the bank.

Bottom line: Technology is crucial to a business, especially when running a small business that’s mobile. It provides an inexpensive way to advertise and engage customers, which is key to propelling a business to the next level.

Posted on Monday, June 11th, 2018