Turn Your Phone into Your Personal Assistant

cold temperatures

Does life seem to be moving too fast to keep up with? Is there information coming at you from every angle?  Are you feeling bombarded with things to do, such as playdates, meetings, appointments, phone calls, shopping, birthdays, and anniversaries? It can feel like there’s never enough time, and while so many of life’s experiences are replaceable, your time is not. Do you ever tell yourself that you need a personal assistant?

Save your money and utilize what you have! That smartphone in your pocket has the capability of becoming your low cost, always available, personal assistant. Just a few moments on your part could save you tons of time in the end. Smartphones come equipped with so many great features and capabilities. Using yours intelligently can save you precious moments, allowing you to focus that time on what really matters.

AI Assistant

Most major smartphones have an AI assistant, such as Siri or Google. Use it! Make it do the work for you whenever possible. Ask AI to open your applications and tools, set appointments and reminders, send/read texts and keeping your hands free. Spend a few minutes getting acquainted with your mobile phone’s AI to save valuable moments when it counts.


Calendars, task reminders, and alarms are great tools for keeping you on task. Use your smartphone’s calendar or get a mobile app to ensure you never miss an important meeting or appointment. Share calendars with family or friends to keep in the loop. Don’t forget to set a reminder as well, there’s nothing worse than making the time to put something in your calendar just to forget to look at it. Task reminders are also great when it comes to those scheduled or yearly tasks that are often forgotten or overlooked. Social media can be a great way to connect but can also be a huge time waster if you’re not careful. Set a timer to gently remind you it’s time to focus on something else. Set a timer to stretch, leave on time for an appointment, or to keep you from missing quality time with friends and family.


Email, text messaging, or video messaging applications like Skype or Marco Polo help you stay connected. Life gets hectic, but that’s no reason to miss a deadline, a moment, or a smile. Utilize these tools to attend important meetings, collaborate with a group, or experience a child’s game or concert even when you can’t be there physically. Video chat with family and friends who live far away or email your boss important information without having to sit down at a computer.

Navigation, Weather, and News

Never lose your way, never get caught in the rain without an umbrella, and always stay up to date on recent news stories. Your mobile phone’s map, weather, news, and stock tools always have you covered. Ask your phone’s AI what the weather forecast for the day looks like when you get out of bed in the morning so you can dress accordingly. Use the map application to help you find your way to a new restaurant – some apps will even inform you how long the commute should take and give you traffic updates.  If it’s important to stay on top of news headlines and the stock market, your phone can assist with that as well.


Use document editing, sharing and signing applications like DocuSign, Box, Google Docs, or Dragon dictation to keep paperwork moving at the speed of life. Don’t wait until you get home or to the office to sign, edit and send important documents. Collaboration is made easy when you utilize your phone’s capabilities. Allow dictation software to take notes for you, just like an assistant, during seminars and training so you never miss out on vital information.

Mobile Ordering

Running too late to grab a morning coffee, did you forget to take out something for dinner, or maybe the necessities at home are running low? Some major coffeehouses and restaurants have mobile apps that allow you to order right from your phone and will have your order ready for pick-up or will even deliver to you.  No need to hire an assistant – see if your favorite places have a mobile ordering option. Shop for household necessities on your phone and get them delivered right to your door, saving you precious time.

Spending a little time downloading mobile apps and learning the tools available on your smartphone can save you precious time when life has you on the run, and it’s way easier than training an actual assistant. Utilize your smartphone’s abilities! Don’t just use it to kill time on social media, send texts, or make phone calls. With the right apps and proper planning, it really can become your own personal assistant.

Posted on Wednesday, June 20th, 2018