Thinking of Getting a Smartphone? 5 Reasons to Trade Up Today

on cell phone

Even though smartphones are a popular option, there’s no rule that says you have to trade in a trusted flip phone for one. Some people prefer keeping their life and finances as simple as possible, so they skip smartphones and choose phones with a cheaper price tag.

But if you’re thinking about getting a new phone and aren’t sure if a smartphone is right for you, here are five reasons you might want to consider trading up.

1. Get information when you need it.

Smartphones are awesome because they let you access information right when you need it. Think about the number of times you’ve gotten lost while driving and needed directions. Or the number of arguments you’ve gotten into over random pop culture trivia. What about a sudden urge to see a movie, where would you find movie times while on the go? With a smartphone in your pocket, you’ve got all the information you need at a moment’s notice. GPS, internet, apps and more enable you to find information fast, resolving almost any issue you might encounter.

2. Consolidate your technology.

If you think back 10 or 15 years ago, you might remember walking around with a cell phone, an MP3 player, a digital camera and you probably had a laptop or desktop computer at home.

Today, smartphones allow us to simplify and consolidate our technology into one. More and more, people are opting to not replace dead devices because their smartphones provide similar functions. If you’re not in school or don’t need to work on home computers, anything you can do on a computer can be done on your phone—hence the need for less technology.

Smartphones also have built-in cameras, making it easier to record or capture a moment. And since many of these phones have higher megapixels, you can capture amazing high-quality photos of your experiences.

3. Manage your finances from anywhere

With a smartphone, managing your finances has never been easier. In recent years, many banks and utility companies have created apps that allow customers to manage their accounts from the palm of their hands. Now, you can check statements, submit deposits and pay bills directly from your phone. This ensures never missing a due date or getting hit with a late fee.

4. Stay productive.

One thing to love about smartphones is the ability to stay productive in all situations. While you shouldn’t be glued to your phone or remain in work mode at all times, there are circumstances when we must handle business, and being able to access email or the internet when away from a laptop or desktop computer is a godsend.

Sitting in the waiting room at your doctor’s office? As you wait, you can use your smartphone to answer emails, create a to-do list or squeeze in a little work. Making the most of idle moments helps you stay productive.

5. Keep yourself entertained.

Then again, maybe you don’t want to work while waiting for something or someone. If you’re sitting in a waiting room, having a smartphone perfectly fills in idle moments. Play games, read books, listen to music or research anything.

Some people feel that smartphones are expensive and unnecessary. But depending on your lifestyle, these powerful cell phones can be a wonderful accessory—helping simplify your technology and keep you productive.


Posted on Friday, October 13th, 2017