Finding Hotspots, Hangouts, and Restaurants

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Have you ever been in a new city, wondering what there is to do, where the best places are to eat, and the best places to grab a few drinks or hear some local live music? I recently enjoyed a weekend in Minneapolis. There is so much to see and do, but I spent most of my time draining my battery searching the internet for all the activities taking place close by, searching for the best restaurants and bars and local favorites. I hadn’t planned my trip very well, but these apps should help you make the most of your visit.

Yelp – Yelp is a great app to help you find the best places to check out in a new city. With reviews provided by other users, you can find great restaurants and local businesses as well as events happening nearby. You can even make online reservations with Yelp Reservations to hold a table for a specific time at participating restaurants.

Foursquare – The Foursquare app also helps you find local attractions, shopping, food, and great places to explore nearby. Just fill in by categories or conduct a search to help you see all that’s happening around your location, helping you plan an exciting visit. Never miss an opportunity to see the best a city has to offer.

Facebook Local – Most people already have a Facebook account, but Facebook Local allows you to see all the events happening around you from local bars to live music, from food to community events. It’s a great place to find out what is happening locally to whatever you are in. You can use the official Facebook app to check out events or download the Facebook Local app.

SideKix – SideKix app will help you find the best walking route to get to those exciting events you’ve found. The app helps you choose the best walking route possible, to get the most out of sightseeing. With local recommendations, from restaurants, art, music and more, never miss something cool on your journey towards your destination.

Wi-Fi Finder Free – trekking through the city, while using your phone can take its toll on your battery and service. This app finds both free public spots to access wi-fi and even provides passwords in some cases. The app has a huge collection of passwords provided by users and even lets you contribute by sending login data from a particular café or hotel.  Checking availability of free spots beforehand will help save precious battery life. Side tip: Always remember to pack a charging cord and plug in your pocket or purse when you head out, just in case.

Next time you find yourself in a new city, make sure to find a few apps ahead of time that can guide you like a local. Be prepared for a fun change of plans and stay up to date on all the best local hotspots, hangouts, and restaurants any city has to offer. Choose from the few apps listed above to help you along or research ones that would work best for you and your smartphone.

Posted on Friday, November 16th, 2018